Recommendations for fertilizers in cannabis cultivation

Empfehlungen für Düngemittel im Cannabisanbau

Cannabis cultivation is both an art and a science in which the quality of the soil plays a crucial role. Fertilizers and soil amendments are essential parts of keeping soil nutrient-rich and healthy for cannabis growth. This article offers practical recommendations for fertilizers and soil amendments to provide your cannabis plants with the best growing conditions.

Understanding the nutritional needs of cannabis

Cannabis plants require a variety of macro and micronutrients to thrive. The three main nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), which are often given in fertilizers in the ratio NPK. In the vegetative phase, cannabis plants require more nitrogen, while in the flowering phase, phosphorus and potassium are more important.

Organic vs. Synthetic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers: These are made from natural materials such as compost, manure, bone meal or blood meal. They not only improve the nutrient content, but also the soil structure and promote biological activity in the soil. Organic fertilizers release their nutrients more slowly, which prevents over-fertilization and ensures a long-lasting nutrient supply.

Synthetic Fertilizers: Chemically produced fertilizers provide a quick supply of nutrients, but if used improperly, they can damage soil structure and lead to salt buildup. They should be used carefully and according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Cannabis cultivation: soil improvements for optimal growth

pH Adjustment: The optimal pH for growing cannabis is between 6.0 and 7.0. Use lime to neutralize acidic soils or sulfur to acidify alkaline soils.

Improving Drainage: Perlite, sand or vermiculite can be added to clay soils to improve drainage and increase root aeration.

Increasing Water and Nutrient Retention: Coconut fiber, peat moss or compost can be added to sandy soils to improve moisture and nutrient holding ability.

Increasing soil fertility: Organic materials such as compost, worm castings or green plant fertilizer can increase fertility and biological activity.

Timing and application of fertilizers

Fertilization should be adapted to the growth phase of the cannabis plants. During the vegetative phase the emphasis should be on nitrogen, during the flowering phase phosphorus and potassium should be present in higher proportions. Always follow the fertilizer manufacturer's instructions to avoid over-fertilizing to avoid nutrient burn and other negative effects.

Regular soil testing

Regular soil testing is important to monitor soil nutrient levels and pH. You can use the test results to determine which nutrients are missing and make appropriate adjustments.

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