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Benötigte Materialien und Werkzeuge für den erfolgreichen Cannabisanbau

Materials and tools needed for successful cannabis cultivation

Growing cannabis, whether as a hobby or professionally, requires patience and care as well as the right equipment. Adequate preparation and choosing the right materials and tools are crucial to th...

Anleitung zur Vorbereitung des Bodens für den Cannabisanbau

Guide to preparing soil for growing cannabis

Successful cannabis cultivation begins with proper soil preparation. Soil is the foundation that provides plants with essential nutrients, water and oxygen. Therefore, thorough soil preparation ca...

Grundlagen des Cannabisanbaus: pH-Werte, Drainage und Bodentypen

Cannabis Growing Basics: pH Levels, Drainage, and Soil Types

Success in growing cannabis depends heavily on the conditions in which the plants grow. These critical factors include soil pH, drainage ability and soil type. Thorough knowledge and proper manage...

Empfehlungen für Düngemittel im Cannabisanbau

Recommendations for fertilizers in cannabis cultivation

Cannabis cultivation is both an art and a science in which the quality of the soil plays a crucial role. Fertilizers and soil amendments are essential parts of keeping soil nutrient-rich and healt...

Anleitung zur Keimung und Pflege junger Cannabispflanzen

Instructions for germination and care of young cannabis plants

Successfully growing cannabis begins with seed germination and subsequent care of young plants. This critical initial step lays the foundation for a healthy and productive harvest. In this article ...

Die entscheidende Rolle der Standortwahl beim Cannabisanbau

The crucial role of location selection when growing cannabis

Choosing the right location is a critical factor in successfully growing cannabis. Although the plant is known for its adaptability, the conditions in which it grows can have a significant impact ...

Analyse des deutschen Klimas & Auswirkungen auf den Cannabisanbau

Analysis of the German climate & effects on cannabis cultivation

The climate in Germany varies from region to region, which can make growing cannabis challenging. Understanding and adapting to local climatic conditions are crucial to the success of any cultivat...

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cannabisanbau: Ein Vergleich

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cannabis Growing: A Comparison

Growing cannabis can be done in different ways, either in the open air (outdoor) or in an enclosed space with artificial lighting (indoor). Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, whi...

Was sind Terpene?

What are terpenes?

Terpenes play a crucial role in the world of cannabis, but what exactly are these chemical compounds and why are they so important? In this comprehensive article, we take a look at terpenes,...

Die grundlegenden Unterschiede zwischen Indica und Sativa

The basic differences between Indica and Sativa

When it comes to cannabis, both newbies and experienced smokers often come across the terms indica and sativa. These two main strains of cannabis are deeply rooted in the culture and each ha...

Autoflowering vs. photoperiodische Cannabissamen

Autoflowering vs photoperiod cannabis seeds

As you move into the world of cannabis cultivation, you will discover two primary types of seeds: autoflowering and photoperiod (Full Season & Fast Flowering seeds). Choosing between these seed...